Season 29, Day 14 - "What's the Deal?"
It's Hall week, and today's quiz is inspired by Monty Hall.
Monty Hall
Monty Hall (born Monte Halparin) was a Canadian radio and TV host. He is most remembered for hosting the game show Let’s Make a Deal, which he co-created. He also hosted the TV game shows Video Village, It’s Anybody’s Guess, Beat the Clock, and Split Second. He is the namesake of the Monty Hall problem, a classic probability puzzle based on a decision posed to Let’s Make a Deal contestants. The premise of the Monty Hall problem is as follows: you’re on a game show and given the choice of three doors, behind one of which is a car. After making your choice, the host opens one of the unchosen doors (revealing no car) and gives you an opportunity to switch. The solution is that you should switch your choice because there is a 1/3 chance your door has the car and a 2/3 chance one of the other two has it; therefore when one of the other two is revealed to be empty, there is now a 2/3 chance the remaining door has the car. Basically, new information has been revealed about the other door — the fact that the host did not open it — that makes it more likely to have the car behind it.