Hi everyone, thanks for taking the time to check this out!
School of Trivia Q&A
Q: What exactly is this?
A: A newsletter trivia league! 5 themed trivia questions direct to your email inbox every weekday with a link included to submit your answers, a fancy scoring system, stats, the whole nine.
Q: How much does it cost to play?
A: $8 per month/season.
Q: Is there a free version I can try first?
A: Yes, you can subscribe for free to receive the Sunday quizzes! This is basically a once-a-week version of the league.
Q: I'm already sold. Where can I sign up?
A: Awesome! Here are the links.
Click below to become a league member
Click below to become a free subscriber — www.getrevue.co
Q: Can I try some sample newsletters and quizzes?
A: Sure! Here are some links:
Season 1, Day 8 - "The Floor is Baklava" (UNLOCKED) — www.getrevue.co
School of Trivia - The mini-theme for Season 1, Week 2 was "War... What Is It Good For?" This quiz was inspired by the Pastry War.
Season 7, Day 16 - "Sublime Rhyme" (UNLOCKED) — www.getrevue.co School of Trivia - It's "Purple" week, and today's quiz is inspired by Tinky Winky.
Season 8, Day 5 - "How's the Weather Up There?" (UNLOCKED) — www.getrevue.co School of Trivia - It's national park week, and today's quiz is inspired by Redwood National Park.
Season 5, Day 20 - "Shut Up and Deal" (UNLOCKED) — docs.google.com
Preseason Day 1 - "Birdman" — docs.google.com
Preseason Day 2 - "Crash" — docs.google.com
Preseason Day 3 - "Moonlight" — docs.google.com
Preseason Day 4 - "Green Book" — docs.google.com
Preseason Day 5 - "In the Heat of the Night"* — docs.google.com *ALL CORRECT RESPONSES WILL BE COMPOSED FROM THE LETTERS IN "THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT"
Sunday Quiz #1 — docs.google.com
Sunday Quiz #2 — docs.google.com
Q: How does the league work?
A: Seasons end on the last Friday of the month, with the next season starting on the following Monday. (Season 11 begins on Monday, October 31.) The league is divided into 5 divisions: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior, and Grad. The top finishers in each division (except G) move up in the next season and the bottom finishers (except Fr) move down.
New players can choose to either start out in the Freshman division, or complete the 5 preseason quizzes and be placed in a division based on their scores.
Q: How does the scoring work?
A: When you submit your answers (each week's quizzes are due on Sunday night), you will also rank your answers by your confidence level. 5 points for the answer you're most confident in, 4 points for your second-most confident answer, and so on down to 1 point for your least confident answer.
Then, imagine going head-to-head against everyone in your division and tallying the results. That's what the adjusted score is: (the percent of players you win against) + one half of (the percent of players you tie). For example, if you beat 60% of players and tied with 20% — your adjusted score would be 60+1/2*(20) = 70. Players in each division are then ranked by total adjusted score (the sum of all of their daily adjusted scores for the season).
Here's the idea behind the adjusted scores: they are on a scale of 0-100, with 50 being an average performance. So your score reflects how well you did against your division, rather than how well you did against the quiz writer (me).
Q: I'm in! Can you give me that sign-up link again?
A: Here it is:
Click below to become a league member — www.getrevue.co
Feel free to message me on Twitter @whoisalexjacob or email me at schooloftrivia@yahoo.com if you have any questions about the league.